Untitled, but probably Shri Shankarbhai Patel, silkscreen, 37.5 x 27 cm

Untitled, but probably Shri Shankarbhai Patel, silkscreen, 37.5 x 27 cm
"An exhibition of Paintings and watercolours by Bhupen Khakhar..." 1985,(signed 2002), silkscreen poster, 74.5 x 54.5 cm

"An exhibition of Paintings and watercolours by Bhupen Khakhar..." 1985,(signed 2002), silkscreen poster, 74.5 x 54.5 cm
"An exibition of ceramics, oils and watercolours by Bhupen Khakhar...", 1997, silkscreen poster, 63 x 37

"An exibition of ceramics, oils and watercolours by Bhupen Khakhar...", 1997, silkscreen poster, 63 x 37
"Lotus," 8/18 1993, silkscreen on paper, 45 x 30.8 cm. According to Hindu belief, the god Brahma emerged from a lotus growing from the god Vishnu's navekl.

"Lotus," 8/18 1993, silkscreen on paper, 45 x 30.8 cm. According to Hindu belief, the god Brahma emerged from a lotus growing from the god Vishnu's navekl.
"Family coming back from Market," 1993, serigraph, 14.5 x 36.83 cm, 3/50

"Family coming back from Market," 1993, serigraph, 14.5 x 36.83 cm, 3/50
“Kiss”. 80 x 60.5 cm. 6/20. 1993. Commissioned by Foundation for Indian Artists. Purchased from Museum Arnhem, Netherlands

“Kiss”. 80 x 60.5 cm. 6/20. 1993. Commissioned by Foundation for Indian Artists. Purchased from Museum Arnhem, Netherlands
“Kiss”. 80 x 60.5 cm. 6/20. 1993. Commissioned by Foundation for Indian Artists. Purchased from Museum Arnhem, Netherlands